Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Christian...

What does it mean to be a Christian? Being a Christian doesn't mean going to church every Sunday. A Christian isn't defined by how often they pray or how many verses the memorize. You aren't a Christina just because you lead worship or pray in tongues or prophecy.
All these things are important when it comes to Christianity. It doesn't make you a Christian.
To be a Christian means to be saved by grace. To be a Christian means to live by faith. To be a Christian means to have a hope. To be a Christian means to love. Extravagantly. Passiontely. Unconditionally. But most of all, to be a Christian means to follow Christ.
Too many people call themseves Christians, but don't actually live it out. Too many people have let the world influence them. They are no longer a light to the world, but have conformed to the world. Instead of being transformed by the renewing of their mind, they are just part of the crowd. And it breaks my heart. The world "Christian" has been slowly twisted. And I don't want to be known as that kind of person.
When I say "I am a Christian," I don't want peple to think of those people who are always preaching at them. When I say "I am a Christian," I don't want people be reminded of those who say one thing, but do another. When I say "I am a Christian," I want people to think of those who love unconditionally, serve selflessly, give and don't hold back. The ones who are trustworthy and faithful. Those who smile and laugh often, no matter their circumstances.
Be like Jesus. He loves unconditionally, even when we don't love him back. Even when we sin, He still forgives us. Even when we turn from Him, He is still faithful.
Love. Love is our greatest weapon; love is the key to salvation; love is all you need; love is the highest way. If the church were to love passionately, deeply, wholeheartedly, unconditionally, the world would change. Too often the church shows love only to other churches, and homeless fatherless people. But we must also show love to the world. To the stranger who cusses you out. To the driver who cuts you off. To the soccer player who intentionally hurts you. To the snob who judges your outfit. To the player who whistles at you as you walk past. To the person taking forever in line. To the salesperson who rips you off. To the friend who deserts you. To the cashier who messes up. To the abortionists. To the murderers. To the sex trafficers. To the theives. To the witches. These are the people who need love the most. Love did not only come for the lovely, but for the broken too. Healing did not come for the healthy, but to the sick. Use love as a weapon. "If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, an if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you." -Proverbs 25:21-22 Love the world. Love the haters. Love the broken, Love the lonely. Love the sinners. Pray for those who persecute you. You can try to hate sinners, but its not going to help. Jesus loves the sinners, but He does not love the sin. He desires for every soul to come to the knowledge of truth and be saved. Read 1 Corinthians 13. And believe me, I'm saying this as much to every Christian as I am to myself. I need to work on this as much as anyone else. But let us Christians be known by our love and our willingness to follow Jesus. Let us reflect Him in everything we do. Let us bring honor and glory to His name by our actions and words. This is what it means to be a Christian. To be like Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer Herman, you are absolutely beautiful, inside and out. I am so proud of you. You make me smile. And people can't help but see Jesus in you. I love you, Jenny. :-)
