Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TRUE Love...

Love isn't about finding the right person. It's about BEING the right person. Love isn't about finding the person who agrees with everything you say and do. It's about setting your differences aside and accepting them as they are. Love isn't about physical beauty, but it's about the beauty of the heart. Love is laying down your pride and saying you were wrong, whether you think you were or not. Love is about asking for AND extending forgiveness. Love isn't about looking at the other person and asking what they need to fix, but it's about looking at YOURSELF and asking what you need to fix. Love is honesty, openness, and trust. Love is talking through differences or disagreements with grace and truth. Love is about cherishing every moment together, whether good or bad, because whether good or bad, you are together. Love is about making the best of what you have. Love isn't just about living "for better, for richer in health," but it's also enduring through the "for worse, for poorer, in sickness." Love is when nothing is perfect, but you still want and need to have that person by your side, Love isn't a burst of flame that dies within a few years. Love is a warm fire than must be continually nurtured and cared for. Love is gold that has endured the test of time, been purified through times of tribulation, refined through times of joy, and has come out real, perfect, and strong. Love is about putting the other before yourself, and putting God before both of you. Love is about living a life for the Lord and doing your best to reflect His love for us. Love is a sacrifice. Love is a gift. Love is unconditional.

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